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Like I said before I LOVE taking photos during church!_edited_edited_edited.jpg

in love & obedience to Jesus



We are convicted and convinced that what is true about God and what matters to Him most motivates why we prioritize and refer to our small groups as LifeGroups. Each group is built on a Biblical foundation offering families and individuals a place where they can BELONG (Acts 2:42), SERVE (1 Peter 4:10), GROW (Acts 2:42) and encounter Jesus together.

Structured around the following Biblical objectives:

Doctrine of
the trinity

Metaphors of
the church

The "one-anothers"
of the Bible

The way the early
church met in homes

Great Commandment
& Great 


& Megan

Young families with kids encouraging each other on their faith journey.

WHERE: Blue Lagoon
WHEN: Saturdays
TIME: 09:00


& Abigail

Klein, intieme familie groep waar mens vrylik deel, saam bid en groei.

WAAR: Villa Diamante
WANNEER: Woensdae
TYD: 19:00


Jan & Maretha

Omgee groep (50 en ouer), ervaar God se groot genade deur Sy Woord.

WAAR: Blue Lagoon
WANNEER: Woensdae
TYD: 18:30


& Anel

Families wat mekaar ondersteun deur die lewe en geestelik groei.

WAAR: Longacres
WANNEER: Woensdae

sermon series


Beacon is dedicated to providing Biblical teaching that is both relevant and inspiring. Our sermon series' are designed to help you understand scripture in its intended context and how to apply it to your life in a meaningful way. Whether you are exploring Christ through the teachings of the Old or the New Testament, there is much to be gained from engaging with these timeless texts. delving into Biblical books, themes and or topics, each series offer a deeper understanding of God's intended will for our lives as Christ followers. CLICK HERE FOR ALL SERIES!


vision sunday

With our new identity we hope to guide and support our community as we Pray, Give, Grow & Go in love & obedience to Jesus.


gospel culture

Gospel culture looks at the transformative effect the gospel has on our hearts & minds and takes us from gospel doctrine to gospel practice.


easter 2024

The finished work of Jesus Christ and our secure hope in Him.

Image by David Beale


KingdomKids offer a safe and engaging environment for discipling our next generation (aged 4 to 12) during a Sunday Service. Our gospel-centered curriculum (The GospelProject) is tailored specifically for each age group, helping them learn and grow in their faith in a fun and meaningful way. Parents are welcome to sit in during our lessons or signup as a volunteer and leave a meaningful impact in our children's faith journey. 



We're passionate about developing and equipping our next generation leaders (aged 13 to 19) with a deeper understanding of the Word of God through Biblical studies. Every Sunday during service we take an exciting dive into the Word of God, grow deeper in our faith, and have an amazing time doing it.

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Friday evenings are the perfect time to gather our Next Generation high schoolers and create a welcoming environment for them to learn about Gospel-centered living in today's digitalized and anti-Gospel world. Our goal is to disciple them in a fun and engaging way, helping them navigate the challenges they face as Christ followers. Join us for an evening of growth, community, and fun!


In love and obedience to Jesus Christ we grow our faith, relationships and understanding of God's Word. Register for a course to enrich and strengthen your spiritual formation journey. Choose from our selection below or enquire about any upcoming courses.


bibleschool FOR TEENS


biblical theology

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marital courses

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